Saturday, 10 December 2011

Week two: SKetchbook

 The two images  above are some more character studies of a preteen girl, based on a girl  used to know. The medium is ink and chalk. On the right in the background is the short poem  I wrote inspired by the way disadvantaged young people are simultaneously ignored by society and yet vilified for the attitude that comes from feeling disenfranchised. Pushing these young people to side is not the solution to the problem. It is the society that they are born into that needs to change. It reads:

"I matter.
I am here.
won't make me

This pencil and ink drawing is of a scene from a story I'd like to write and draw in the future. It shows my main character going through a hard time at school. He is being bullied by his classmates, but still has a lot of inner strength to get through it. If you notice, one of the bullies is the character I drew above. In my story, I'd quite like to show both sides of the experience. The bullied girl, who in turn becomes a bully because she has no outlet for her own pain. As so often is the case, she chooses to empower herself through taking away someone else's joy. I would like in her story for her to find a better way of dealing with her own issues.    

Messing about with character study of the boy from the story... I was trying to capture his spirit of playfulness. The medium is acrylic ink and biro.

A joyful profile drawing of him, drawn in felt tip.

A sad portrait of him, drawn in ink and chalk.

An angry version of him, in ink.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Day one

Yearning - drawn from my imagination, the medium is watercolour pencil, which I drew over with a wet brush.

Grief - drawn from a photograph, I chose this image to practice evoking strong emotions in facial expressions. The medium is grey ink, pencil and graphite.

Lonely girl - drawn from my imagination, it is a study for a character I am developing for a story. The medium is graphite pencil.